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Sunday, October 23, 2016

3D Printer Review ; Type of 3D Printer Technologies

After we review about what is a 3D printer, and now the type of 3D printer technology, how 3D printers work process.

Before 3D Printer exists, of course, to form a glass, tools or 3D-shapes that we want, we have to make it in a way that is still very traditional. For example, by printing it and shape it manually, as shown below.

type of 3d technologies

With the development of technology that exists today, the process can be completed with time and way easier and faster, where we just simply making a prototype or the form we want then we print directly. But in the world of manufacturing, misunderstandings often occur between 3D printers and CNC machines. Because, in principle, the 3D printer works by adding material layer by layer. Meanwhile, CNC machine works with reduced material layer by layer.

At this time, the 3D Printer technology is not only used for making prototypes but also the finished product. Because, the 3D Printers has been developed to produce a product with a high level of refinement, fast processing, inexpensive materials either metal or ceramic and can print out the size of a microwave to the scale of the car.


There are several types of 3D printers that are used today are based on the method of print technology, namely;

  • Stereolithography (SLA)

Stereolithography 3d printer
Stereolithography is the first 3D printing techniques and the most commonly used where, in the process, 3-dimensional objects created by using a laser. This technology uses the photopolymerization principle to produce a solid part of a liquid polymer. The combination commonly used in Stereolithography technology is liquid known as photopolymer resin and ultraviolet laser beam. The model builds on a platform that is placed just below the surface of the epoxy. Low-powered UV laser beam is focus onto the first layer, thus compacting the existing polymer liquid on the first layer of the appropriate design of the product to be formed. Repeat this process until the desired 3D product developed.

  • Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

SLS technique

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) is a technology that uses a high-power laser beam to melt the particles of the material in powder form. The materials that can be utilized in this technology, namely plastics, metals, ceramics, and glass. In this method, the material powder sprinkled and flattened at the top surface of the platform. Plastics powder will be leveled up in the platform, and then the powder will be heated until it approaches the melting point. Then a laser beam heats powder selectively according to the shape of the product in 3D modeling software. The advantages of this SLS-tech printer which were a result of mold does not need to use the support (buffer part kind of model, the printer type of the SLA or FDM). Also, the detail that can be achieved up to 100 microns.

  • Digital Light Processing (DLP)

DLP principal

Digital Light Processing (DLP) is a technique that similar to the SLA which makes liquid materials hardened with ultraviolet light. But, the digital irradiation process, the object was initially shaped liquid entirely. Most of the liquid will be illuminated, which will harden the liquid, and hardened objects will drop down and raise the next liquid. This process is continuously carry on until the 3D objects successfully created.

  • Electron Beam Melting (EBM)

electron beam melting 3d printer technology

Electron Beam Melting (EBM) is the process of 3D printing materials for metal. The way it works is, by spreading a layer of metal powder in a vacuum, then, the Electron Beam will melt the powder into a solid layer. The materials frequently used is titanium. Objects that are created with this technique is adamant.

  • Multi Jet Modelling (MJM)

MJM 3d printing technique

Multi-Jet Modeling (MJM) has a way of working together with the inkjet printer. Spreading a layer of resin powder and sprayed glue that has a variety of colors and will harden in one layer. Multi Jet Modelling is useful because it is very fast and support the provision of color.

  • Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)

FDM 3d printing process

FDM technology uses a system where the object using a roll forming a metal wire or plastic is melted. At cold temperatures, metals and plastics are used as starting material in shape a long roll and very hard. The rolls are then inserted into the extrusion nozzle. Further heated until it reaches a certain temperature. When heated, the plastic or metal would be softened so that out through a nozzle in the form of pasta. The pasta is then placed in such a way as to form layers of the object. The nozzle will move horizontally and vertically which is set by the computer. Moments later, the temperature of the pasta will decrease. With decreasing temperature, the paste will harden and form the desired object.

Most all activities 3D Printing will use the STL file. Broadly, the STL file format developed by 3D system used for prototyping, 3D printing and manufacturing (CAM). The STL file format only describes the surface geometry in three dimensions by ignoring the colors, textures, or other CAD attributes. STL file format is a 3D modeling makes 3D printers do its job efficiently and well during the printing process. Most of the STL file created by Computer Aided Design (CAD).

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