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Sunday, October 23, 2016

3D Printer Review ; Type of 3D Printer Technologies

After we review about what is a 3D printer, and now the type of 3D printer technology, how 3D printers work process.

Before 3D Printer exists, of course, to form a glass, tools or 3D-shapes that we want, we have to make it in a way that is still very traditional. For example, by printing it and shape it manually, as shown below.

type of 3d technologies

With the development of technology that exists today, the process can be completed with time and way easier and faster, where we just simply making a prototype or the form we want then we print directly. But in the world of manufacturing, misunderstandings often occur between 3D printers and CNC machines. Because, in principle, the 3D printer works by adding material layer by layer. Meanwhile, CNC machine works with reduced material layer by layer.